SAP COPA - KES1 Maintain Charcterstict Values - ABAP Dump

IF you get abap dump in KES1 –characteristic values.

Run the Program :
1 Goto transaction SE38->Give the program RKEAGENV and execute without test run. Maybe you face problem in KES1.
2 Goto transaction KEA0-> change -> activate and than generate operating concern.
Still not Solved implement OSS Note - 64490 and 942785
If you get an error executing transaction KES1 (V17 installation step Maintain Characteristic Values), install SAP notes 64490 and 942785. After you have executed report RKEAGENV as described in notes mentioned above, reactivate the operating concern (tcode KEA0, Tab Environment, cross-client and client-specific part).
Also check the below links:

SAP: COPA: Defining new characteristics

You can also manually define new characteristics that you only want to use in Profitability Analysis. Since these characteristics have no table of origin, their values are not automatically derived from other characteristics. You therefore need to define derivation steps for them. The name of new characteristics must begin with "WW" and consist of 4 or 5 characters. Depending on the desired attributes, you must choose one of the following variants:

With own value maintenance - In most cases, you will define new characteristics with their own value maintenance. In this case, the system creates a check table and text table. In the Customizing activity Maintain characteristic values , you can then enter characteristic values and texts for these. Only those values maintained here are permitted values for that characteristic.

Without value maintenance - This option lets you define characteristics with no check table. This means that there is no set of allowed characteristic values and texts. Consequently, no validity check takes place for values of these characteristics. These characteristics cannot be used as receiver characteristics for period-based allocations.

With reference to existing values - This type of characteristic is only required in special cases. Here you assign the characteristic to a data element that already exists in the system. The characteristic takes on the attributes of that data element (texts, length, check table, text table).

SAP COPA: Deleting Characteristics/ Value Fields from an Operating Concern

You can delete characteristics and value fields retrospectively from an operating concern that you have already activated. However, you should only use this deletion function for operating concerns that have not yet been used productively. You should also note that some database systems require the operating concern tables to be converted (database conversion) after the deletion has taken place if data had already been posted to the operating concern. Depending on the data volumes involved, the database conversion can take a matter of seconds or indeed several hours. Moreover, you cannot post data or run reports during the conversion. Due to integration, other applications are also affected when data is postedwith an assignment to profitability segments (such as settlement and direct assignment from FI/MM). If the operating concern has been transported to another system (such as the productive system), then the database conversion must also occur in that target system.

To delete characteristics or value fields, perform the following activities:

1. Delete the corresponding characteristics and value fields from Customizing in all clients (this includes forms, reports, planning layouts, and so forth). To locate characteristics and value fields, use the appropriate where-used list in the Customizing Monitor . You can access it by choosing Tools -> Analysis -> Check Customizing Settings. You can jump directly from the where-used list to the relevant Customizing transaction and then delete the appropriate field there.

2. Switch to the screen for maintaining the data structure of an operating concern (Maintain operating concern).

3. If you need to effect other changes to the datastucture for the operating concern before making any deletions, effect those changes and save the data structure.

4. In order to be able to select the fields of the data structure, choose Extras -> Characteristics (or Value fields) -> Unlock.

5. Select the characteristics and value fields to be deleted and remove them from the data structure with the "Reset fields" function.

6. Reactivate the operating concern. The system starts by checking whether the operating concern contains any data and whether the fields to be deleted are still being used in any Customizing settings.

7. If none of the fields are still in use, the system then starts the re-activation. If the operating concern does not contain any data or does not require the database system to be converted, the tables are activated. You are then able to activate the environment for the operating concern. In this case, the following activities no longer apply.

If the operating concern already contains data, a system message tells you that the database needs to be converted. If you proceed, an activation log appears (at the top of the list).

8. Analyze the activation log. If it only contains error messages telling you to convert the tables, proceed with the next activity.

You must otherwise remove the cause of the errors before the tables can be converted. In this case, you should answer "No" to the next prompt, which asks whether the conversion transaction should start.

9. If you still only receive error messages telling you to convert the tables, choose "Back" and start the conversion.

10. Plan a job for the conversion. A list of the tables to be converted is shown for this. If the tables only contain a small amount of data (less than 10 000 records), then all the tables can be converted in one job. In that case, you can select all the tables.

For larger tables, conversion should take place in several jobs. However, you should ensure that table CE4xxxx (where xxxx = operating concern) is the last table to be converted.

Warning. No other changes can be made to the operating concern during the conversion.

A copy of the table is generated during the conversion. The database system should have sufficient memory available for this copy.
To schedule conversion as a job, use the "Schedule selections" function. You can display the current status of the conversion by selecting the "Refresh" icon. Tables disappear from the list once they have been converted sucessfully. If a conversion is taking a while, it is also possible to leave the transaction. You can then continue the conversion using DB requests -> Mass processing in one of the following ways:

With the job overview. You access this by choosing System -> Services -> Jobs.

Using the database utility transaction. You access this by choosing Utilities -> Database Utility in the ABAP Dictionary menu.

You can use the status function to call up the status of the operating concern during operating concern maintenance. You need to activate all tables after conversion.

11. To analyze errors that have occurred during the conversion, you can use the database utility transaction by choosing Extras -> Logs. The log has the same name as the conversion job: TBATG-date. You can also restart the conversion with this transaction.
For more information on the database utility, choose Help -> Application help while still in the above transaction.

12. Once you have activated all the tables in the operating concern, generate the operating concern environment from within operating concern maintenance.

You can then use the operating concern again.

SAP: COPA :Tables

When you activate the data structures of your operating concern, the system creates the following objects in the ABAP Dictionary.
Type Name Description
Structure CE0xxxx logical line item structure
Table CE1xxxx actual line item table
Table CE2xxxx plan line item table
Table CE3xxxx segment level
Table CE4xxxx segment table
Table CE4xxxx_KENC realignments
Table CE4xxxx_ACCT account assignments
Table CE4xxxx_FLAG posted characteristics
Structure CE5xxxx logical segment level
Structure CE7xxxx internal help structure for assessments
Structure CE8xxxx internal help structure for assessments