SAP :EC-CS Data Upload Methods

Introduction to Consolidation (EC-CS):
Consolidation (ECCS) is a part of FI sub-module which is used for consolidation  of various company codes to extract the final financial position of the companies as a whole.

The consolidation is done mostly at 3 levels:
1.Statutory Consolidation - This is the consolidation carried out based on the company as the primary unit (Consolidation unit)
2.Profit Centre Consolidation - This is the consolidation carried out based on the profit centre as the primary unit (Consolidation unit)
3.Business Area Consolidation - This is the consolidation carried out based on the Business Area as the primary unit (Consolidation unit)
4. User Defined - This is done as per the requirement of the business, where it requires any other consolidation.
Data Collection in Consolidation: The data collection plays a crucial role in the consolidation process, basically consolidation units are grouped in to Consolidation groups depending up on the requirement of reporting to the business. The feed for the reports come from the data that is provided in various forms to consolidation.

Data Collection methods:

The data that is used in consolidation is not directly posted in to ECCS module; the data is extracted based up on the consolidation dimension or method used say statutory consolidation dimension, profit centre consolidation dimension or any other dimension as configured in the system.

The various methods of data collection are:-

1. Online data entry
2. Flexible upload
3. Real time update
4. Periodic extract
5. Rollup
6. Offline data entry
1.Online data Entry : Using the data monitor, you enter financial data online which was reported by those consolidation units for which you specified this data transfer method. You enter the data in data entry layouts. Data entry layouts are used for entering reported financial data both online in the SAP System and offline on the basis of MS ACCESS. You can use various layouts, depending on the type of data to be entered and the level of detail involved.
2.Flexible Upload: Option for importing both the master data (consolidation units and groups, chart of accounts, etc.) and the reported data from a text file.
3.Real time Update: The data entry method that is used  in real time update is to update the consolidation with a document, when ever a posting is done in to FI or Sales invoice, i.e., when ever a document is posted in to SAP, the configuration is done in such a way that the document will even generate a consolidation document.
4.Periodic Extract:  The data entry method that is used here is a on line data method, we decide in advance what data method we are going to input in to the consolidation unit, say either cumulative or periodically, if we use cumulative method we update the total cumulative postings as one document for a particular posting date and if we use periodically all the totals of a period is uploaded to a consolidation unit.
5.Rollup : The data entry method we use in Rollup method is to collect the data periodically say monthly by running the data monitor & consolidation monitor and pull the data to consolidation, this method is particularly used in profit centre consolidation, were we use the rollup monthly and once at year end to accumulate the data which is existing in various units (profit centre's) and pull the balances of totals to consolidation process.
6.Offline Data Entry: Decentralized data entry and processing of individual financial data is possible with MS Access. Master data are downloaded from a central R/3 system. After creation of the reported data, it is uploaded with a special method of the flexible upload.
Conclusion: The data entry method plays a crucial role in consolidation, as the data that we process to get final reports at the consolidation are extracted from already posted balances in FI (company code & business area) & Co (profit centre), the data is statistical data which is pulled and accumulated in the sub- ledger where from we configure the system to pull final financial reports.
author: Satish Puram
source: SAP Community Network

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