Transaction Types in Asset Accounting 300, 310, 320, 330

300- Retirmt transfer of prior-yr acquis. frm cap.asset
310 Acquirg transfer of prior-yr acquis. frm cap.asset

If we transfer the prior year acquisation asset from one asset class to another asset class or with in the same asset class with in company code these TTypes used. This transaction amount showing reducing( - ) asset/class.

Transaction Code - ABUMN

Example: If we transfer the asset no.700000044-1 to 200300364-1

Asset No. 700000044-1 showing T.Type 300
Asset No. 200300364-1 showing T.Type 310

Accounting Entry:

Dr......Asset 200300364-1 debit by transaction type 310
Cr......Asset 700000044-1 credit by transaction type 300
Cr......Acumilated depreciation asset 200300364-1 credit by trans type 395
Dr......Acumilated depreciation asset 700000044-1 debitedt by trans type 390

320 Retirmt transfer of curr-yr acquis.
330 Acquiring transfer of curr-yr acquis.

If we transfer the current year acquisation asset from one asset class to another asset class or with in the same asset class with in company code these transaction used. This transaction amount showing reducing( - ) asset/class.

Transaction Code - ABUMN

Ex:If we transfer the asset no.200300365-1 to 200300364-1

Asset No. 200300365-1 showing T.Type 320
Asset No. 200300364-1 showing T.Type 330

Accounting Entry:

Dr......Asset 200300364-1 debit by transaction type 330
Cr......Asset 200300365-1 credit by transaction type 320
Cr......Acumilated depreciation asset 200300364-1 credit by trans type 395
Dr......Acumilated depreciation asset 200300365-1 debitedt by trans type 390

If we transfer the current year acquisation asset from one asset class to another asset class or with in the same asset class with in company code these transaction used. This transaction amount showing Addition( + ) asset/class.

1 comment:

  1. where can i find all transaction type explanation with journal example similar to Transaction Types in Asset Accounting 300, 310, 320, 330
